Headshots for the Unemployed - Redux

April 22, 2010  •  Leave a Comment
Last fall, I did two free photo events to benefit the swelling tide of unemployed folks. I called it Headshots for the Unemployed. I provided them with a professional business portrait they could use on their social networking sites or include with their resume package. As part of the promotion for those events, I was asked to be on the Fox 59 Morning News to talk about what I was doing. As their interview wrapped up, the anchor, in a polite, joking way asked me to come back to give them a progress report. Recently, I remembered that and thought I would poll all of the participants from last fall to see how they are doing.

I was very surprised to learn that after six months, only 35% of them were working anywhere. If you are like me, you are soothed by the media reports that unemployment figures are improving by a micropercent. We go about our day, assured in our optimism that everything is working itself out.

I have no delusions that a free business portrait is part of the solution to the unemployment problem, but I do know that it can be an encouragement to the person that is going through the ordeal. When you are daily trying to whip up the courage to jump out there and sell yourself, what you tend to feel inside is all of your faults and weaknesses screaming at you that you are wasting your time and it is no use. Everyone else is a more desirable candidate, etc. Everything you can do to improve your presentation, gives you that much more confidence and desire to put it out there. I can't give everyone a new suit to wear to an interview, but I can take a great picture of them that will speak for them when their next employer is deciding who their next superstar will be.

To that end, I am going to do it again, but this time it's going to be bigger. I am going to repeat my offer of free professional business portraits to anyone that is unemployed and looking for work. No strings attached. There will be four separate events, all in a different area on four days in May.

May 3 - Greenwood Public Library 1:00pm - 4:00pm
May 10 - New Palestine (Hancock County Library, Sugar Creek Branch) 1:00pm - 4:00pm
May 17 - Fishers Public Library 1:00pm - 4:00pm
May 24 - Brownsburg Public Library 1:00pm - 4:00pm

If you or anyone you know is interested, contact me by email (preferred) or by phone to schedule a time for a portrait.

[email protected]



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